Pihus taruvaigu ja saialillega.
€ 5.80
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Do not use a nutritional supplement as a substitute for a full, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Leevendab suuõõne ja neelu limaskesta ärritust pärast erinevate protseduuride tegemist või põletiku korral. Toode katab limaskesta pinna takistades mikroorganismide tungimist limaskesta ning paljunemist, aidates nii säilitada soodsat mikrokeskkonda, ennetades ärritust ning luues vajalikud tingimused limaskesta taastumiseks, nii et see saab täita oma funktsiooni.
Kasutada 3 korda päevas. Pikaajalise toime tagamiseks ei ole toodet soovitatav kasutada söömise või joomise ajal.
Lugege hoolikalt infolehte! Ärge kasutage, kui olete ülitundlik (allergiline) mesindustoodete või selle toote muude koostisainete suhtes. Vältige toote silma sattumist! Toote kasutamise kohta alla 12-aastastel lastel ja rasedatel või imetavatel naistel on piiratud hulgal andmed, seega tohib toodet kasutada ainult pärast arstiga konsulteerimist.
Koostisained: Taruvaigu etanoollahus, saialilletinktuur, puhastatud vesi, glütseriin
Uuringud on näidanud, et Brasiilia rohelisel propolisel on viirusevastane toime.
Glütseriin pehmendab, aitab säilitada niiskust ja aitab tootel püsida limaskestal.
Ravimi kasulikkus hingamisteede jaoks hõlmab hingamisteede ärrituse rahustamist ja leevendamist, kogunenud eritiste puhastamist ja hingamise hõlbustamist.
A new, innovative product created in Latvia to strengthen immunity during the cold and virus season. GOlmmune products are intended for both daily and intensive use.
GOlmmune - these are innovative products that are developed in the form of a special sublingual spray. Spraying GOlmmune or GOlmmune KIDS under the tongue ensures a faster effect of the products.
The GOlmmune product line includes two products
— GOlmmune and GOlmmune KIDS and will be suitable for the whole family.
GOlmmune KIDS can be used by children from the age of 2, its composition has been created especially for small children.
GOlmmune, on the other hand, is designed for use by adults and children from the age of 12.
GOImmune products are easy to use, easy to take with you in your daily routine and take care of protecting yourself and your family during the virus season. They are delicious and will appeal to the most demanding.
The composition of GOlmmune and GOlmmune KIDS is special created to strengthen the body during the cold and virus season. The products contain lactoferrin, which is an important body protein and is most abundant in the mother's colostrum immediately after the birth of the child. GOlmmune products contain elderberry fruit, which is already traditionally used to support the immune system and zinc, which contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system.
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